Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Black Pepper and Sesame Quinoa

2 Cups Quinoa
4 Cups Water
1/2 Tbsp Salt
4 Tbsp Ground Flax Seed Meal

Wash Quinoa, add Water and allow it to boil. Once its starts boiling, reduce the heat to medium, add Salt and Ground Flax Seed Meal and allow it to cook for 15 minutes. Allow it to cool.

3 Tbsp Black Pepper corns
3 Tbsp White Sesame Seeds
31 Curry Leaves

Dry Roast Black Pepper corns switch off the stove and keep it in a plate. Add Sesame Seeds to the same hot pan, no need to switch on the stove it will become brown with the hot pan. Take it off and keep it in the same plate. Add Curry Leaves and switch on the stove and fry until the curry leaves are roasted. Switch off the stove Place the curry leaves along with roasted peeper corns and sesame seeds. Allow it to cool. Make dry powder out of it.

1 Tbsp Ghee
1 Tsp Mustard Seeds
2 Tsp Cumin Seeds
1/4 Cup Cashew Nuts
1 Tsp Salt

Heat Ghee in a Pan, add Mustard Seeds when it starts sputter, add Cumin Seeds fry till the color starts to change. Add Salt and mix well.

Add cooked Quinoa and ground spice and mix well.

Taste Note: Tastes Awesome, spicy.

Yields:  8 Cups

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